Man fled from police after knives guns found in car

Man fled from police after knives guns found in car

The woman was found walking along the highway after being shot and critically wounded.

Police say the victim, now 31, suffered multiple stab wounds, and was taken to a local hospital where she died on Monday.

KTVU reports police found점보카지노 several knives and guns in the vehicle on Friday. Officers found the suspects in the area as they were about to exit the vehicle.

Cristina Hernandez

Cristina Hernandez, who says the pair have been involved in domestic violence in the past, says she fears she may lose custody of her children if they see what happened to her.

Hernandez says the women broke into a neighbor’s house while she was asleep on Thursday.

Hernandez told KTVU she took her four kids to school because she was afraid the girls would get upset.

The children were in the car after they arrived home when the suspect allegedly returned. Her children say that they told one of the suspects they were going to call their mother.

The two sisters say one of the suspects then picked up his knife, walked into카지노 the home, and shot their mother.

Hernandez says the suspect then started to walk away but her youngest son chased him and got a lock on his brother’s gun. Hernandez says the brothers say the suspect took off, but Hernandez says the man had the gun still in his hand.

After pulling her from the vehicle, Hernandez says the suspects ran away from the scene on foot and went to an address across the street. She says the children were home when they got there.

Her parents took the child in for safety, but later learned that the man had returned home and attacked the children.

The mother al슈퍼 카지노so says the children were sleeping and the man took his daughter and ran, knocking her out cold.

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